
The recovery movement has continued to grow through collaborative efforts to mobilize for recovery, many of which began over coffee, and the development of Recovery Community Organizations (RCO’s).


Recovery Community Organizations (RCO’s) – RCO’s, which offer persons in recovery a safe place to socialize, access peer services and locate resources are a cornerstone in community advocay, and uniting recovering people, parents, and communities across the nation. We do this because we understand and believe that we can and do recover. 

Mobilize in your community through engaging with your local RCO’s or RSG’s.

Strengthening the relationships between our agency, RCO’s, RSG’s and other recovery stakeholders  is necessary to enhance the recovery support network. Building recovery capital, sustainability, and connectivity increases the likelihood of recovery for families, individuals, and communities. See some of the organizations we have worked with and access their contact information to learn how you can support mobilization on your community, visit

Additionally, if you are interested in beginning your own RCO or RSG, you may contact the PRO•A office at (717) 545-8929 or send an email to

Join PRO•A’s e-member list!

As a member, you’ll receive alerts for our Quarterly Report Newsletter, webinars, training, legislation, and other information pertinent to recovery throughout the state of Pennsylvania.
Our goal is to inform, mobilize, connect, improve communication, and inspire action!

For More info go to at

Connect with us through social media

Share your recovery statement and image on the PRO•A Show Us Your Purple! Facebook Group

The PRO•A Show Us Your Purple! Group purpose statement is: For family members of and individuals in recovery from substance/alcohol use, to unite in the common purpose of recovery, promoting the solution of recovery, to cultivate an environment where all recovery is authentic and valued! This is a PRO-recovery initiative, to pro-mote the solution of  recovery.  Please send a picture of yourself to me by email at

  •  Include a person 1st statement about your pathway to recovery through long-term treatment; medication assisted recovery; faith-based recovery; abstinence-based recovery; through a criminal justice system D&A program; or as a family member
  • What recovery means to you,
  • What recovery has given you,
  • Your recovery birthdate (optional)

Please note, responses may be edited for clarity and length, recommended length is 150 characters or less. We will add your image inside the “P” and add it to our Facebook group.