Did You Know That Learning Tobacco-Free Coping Skills…?
- is safe for persons pursing other addiction recovery.
- contributes to longer term sobriety.
- reduces social stigma.
- increases positive mood and decreases depression, anxiety, and stress.
- improves self-confidence and self-image, and
- enhances the health and quality of life for persons in other addiction recovery.

Consider Tobacco Recovery in Your Journey
While there is no one way to be in recovery, it begins the moment a person decides to make better choices about their physical and mental well-being, work to live a meaningful self-directed life, and strive to achieve their full potential.
While the journey to recovery is a personal one, the basis of all recovery is hope and belief that your current circumstances can be improved, managed, and overcome. So, if you haven’t yet thought about it, consider Tobacco Recovery. As we learn healthy ways to manage our day, it allows us to let go of unhealthy ways!
Download Our Tobacco Recovery Information and Resource Sheet
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Tobacco use disorder is the leading cause of death in the recovery community and we do not even talk about it.
Many of the pioneers of 20th century addiction treatment and recovery mutual aid societies died of smoking-related disorders:
- Bill Wilson (emphysema) and Dr. Robert Holbrook Smith (cancer), co-founders of Alcoholics Anonymous;
- Mrs. Marty Mann (cancer), founder, National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence;
- Danny C. (cancer) and Jimmy K. (emphysema and cancer), key figures in the founding of Narcotics Anonymous;
- Charles Dederich (cardiovascular disease), founder of Synanon;
- Dr. Marie Nyswander (cancer), co-developer of methadone maintenance; and
- Senator/Governor Harold Hughes (emphysema), sponsor of landmark alcoholism treatment legislation and founder of the Society of Americans for Recovery.
Source: Smoking and Addiction Recovery: For People in Recovery Bill White (2011).
More information on the history of tobacco and the recovery community from recovery historian Bill White – HERE
We must support Tobacco Recovery by STARTING to TALK ABOUT IT!
The best time to take this step for yourself and for those you love is RIGHT NOW!
Tobacco Recovery Resources:
- Nicotine Anonymous Internet Meetings – LINK HERE
- PA Department of Health / PA FREE Quit Line – LINK HERE
- American Lung Association Resource Page– LINK HERE
- Quit Assist Tobacco Recovery Resources – LINK HERE
It’s Time to Set the Record Straight – We Deserve Tobacco-Free Recovery!
Pennsylvania Statewide Tobacco-Free Recovery Initiative (STFRI):
The Pennsylvania Department of Health, the Department of Human Services and the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs shared their commitment to support the Pennsylvania Statewide Tobacco-Free Recovery Initiative (STFRI), a five-year CDC funded project to advance evidence-based tobacco interventions in the behavioral health setting. The Initiative offers state-wide consultation, training and technical assistance to treatment providers and community partners, recovery community organizations to develop tobacco-free policies and integrate a tobacco-free recovery system of care into existing behavioral health services.
For More Information on STFRI – LINK HERE